The big issue for anybody who has contracted tinnitus is obviously what remedies exist. First of all, one has to remember that tinnitus is a nervous disposition, which in many cases can not be linked to obvious causes (which could be removed). So it is all important to first of all avoid any artificial stimulation of the nervous system by caffeine, alcohol or other stimulating drugs. Loud noises and stress should be avoided as well. These measures alone can already bring a substantial improvement in many cases (they did for me at least, and for many other persons I had contact with as well). Once one has applied these measures for a few weeks, one can also try to actively calm down the nervous system by means of drugs or other measures. For me for instance, the occasional painkiller (Paracetamol (Tylenol in the US) or Aspirin) has worked very well to suppress the intensity of the tinnitus both in the short as well as in the long term. Alcohol-free beer also proved to have a calming effect. For some people Ginkgo Biloba had a positive influence. And of course relaxation techniques can be very helpful in calming down the nervous system and thus the tinnitus.
Even though neither of these remedies is likely to cure the tinnitus straightaway, they can gradually lessen the intensity of the condition. So patience is needed, but unlike what some people (including doctors) are suggesting, it is not so that there is no chance of improvement and that the only options is to 'learn to live with it'. Yes, for the time being one has to accept the condition (like one has to accept a broken leg) but with some care, determination and patience, it can only improve in the long term (although, with nervous dispositions being a tricky affair, it is likely to take longer than to heal a broken leg).
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Posted on Wednesday, June 27. 2012
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