I had recently in my Tinnitus Forum a few people who are suffering from pulsatile Tinnitus.I have personally no experience with this, so I have to rely on the publicly available information here. And this suggests that pulsatile tinnitus is actually quite different from 'normal' Tinnitus, as it is not so much a nervous condition but due to physiological causes like restricted blood vessels in the ear/neck region. This causes then the (pulsatile) blood flow in this region to become audible. So pulsatile tinnitus is in these cases actually an 'objective' tinnitus that can be heard by the ENT- doctor with suitable instruments as well (see the Tinnitus.org.uk Website and the Whooshers Website for more).
Chiropractical treatment or surgery could help in these cases, but since not many doctors are familiar with this, it might take some time to find somebody to do this, or even diagnose it with certainty (and for this a CT or MRI scan would be required).
Not any pulsatile tinnitus would fall under this, but if it is pulsating in the rythm of your heartbeat, you should try to clarify this, as the measures for normal (subjective i.e. nervously conditioned) tinnitus would be rather unsuitable here.
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